
The 24 Strand DNA Activation

Each Mystery School has its Specialty Work. This is how each school makes a unique contribution to humankind. Spiritual Mystery School & 7th Ray Mystery School's specialty is Adam Kadmon 24 Strand DNA Activation. We call this the Adam Kadmon Activation when it takes place in a 2 Day Seminar Format or 24 Strand DNA Activation when it takes place in a private session.

每一所奧秘學校都有它專業的工作。 這是每一所學校對人類之所以能做出一份獨特貢獻的原因。 靈性奧秘學校 & 第7道光射線奧秘學校的專長是原人亞當的活化。 當它發生在為期兩天的研討會的時候被稱為原人亞當活化,或是當它發生在一場私人會程時,我們則稱作24股DNA活化。

The purpose of DNA Activation is to provide a physical process resulting in the manifestation of the Light Body. This occurs when the cells are activated to 80% of the Light Quotient on a consistent basis. 

DNA活化的目的是為了提供一個身體上的進程,正在導致光體的彰顯。 當細胞被活化到 80% 的光商數,在一致的基礎之下就會發生了。

This usually results in changes within the part of the aura that we call the Body of Light. The Light Body is a part of the energy structures in and around your body. It is your connection to the Divine, it allows you to live in an environment of light.

這通常導致了在我們稱之為光體的那部分能量層裡面的變化。 光體是在你們身體中,在你們身體周圍的能量結構的一部分。 這是你們對神聖的連結,它允許了你們去生活在光的環境裡。

The Mystery School has been offering this technique for activation since October 1998. Tens of thousands have been activated! This work is empowering and satisfying for those who offer the DNA Activation. We have many reports of the transformation and benefits this protocol has brought to many, usually within a short time. 

奧秘學校自從1998年開始就已經不斷的釋出這種用來激活的技術! 這個工作正在賦予力量,並且正在使那些提供DNA活化的對象感到滿意。 我們有許多在這個方案中已經為許多人已經帶來效益的報告書,這些轉化及效益通常是在短時間內完成的。

What is DNA Activation and Reading?

Your DNA is unique and very personal. It contains encoded information relative to both your physical and spiritual lineage. 

你們的DNA是獨一無二的,並且是非常個人化的。 它包含了你們的身體上,及靈性的靈源上這兩者相關的編碼訊息。

This information determines your physical form, hereditary maladies, mental proclivities, emotional and behavioral patterns, spiritual gifts, and much more! The DNA also carries a form of Light Coding from Spirit. This coding carries detailed information about your Spirit and its experience before this life, your purpose in this life, your relationship contracts, and it even defines the timing of many events in life. In this Certification training program you learn to work with the Light Code of the DNA to activate and read it.

這些資訊決定了你們的肉身形態,遺傳的疾病,精神上的傾向,情感上及行為上的模式,靈性的天賦,及更多! DNA同時也攜帶了從靈體而來的,一種光編碼的形式。 這個編碼攜帶了關於你們的靈,還有它在這一生之前的經歷,你們在這一世的目的,你們的關係合約等資訊,而它甚至定義了許多在生命中事件的時間點。 在這個認證培訓的訓練方案中,你們會學習去與DNA的光編碼一起工作,去活化並閱讀它。

DNA is the blueprint for your life purpose and divine potentialities. Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are as a Divine being. It is God given, holy, and defines your uniqueness because it contains the encoded information regarding your physical and spiritual lineage. The DNA Activation and reading gives you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what your purpose is. It helps you answer the questions, “Who am I, Why am I here? What are my gifts and talents? Where did I come from?”

DNA是你們的人生目的,及眾多神聖潛能的藍圖。 你們的DNA包含了有關於你們是一位神聖存在體的藍圖。 這是神所賜予的,聖潔的,並且定義了你們的獨特性,因為它包含了有關於你們身體上,及在靈性靈源上的編碼訊息。 DNA的激活及閱讀給予了你們去存取有關於你們的身分,及你們的目地的秘密與奧秘。它幫助了你們回答了這個問題,「我是誰,我為何在這裡? 我的天賦和天份是什麼?我是從哪裡來的?」

This complete DNA activation has the potential to bring you into a divine state of being called the Adam Kadmon or Divine God Human.

Reading the Light Code we call DNA is something that everyone can learn to do. With the proper training and knowledge of activation and reading techniques you will be able to open the DNA Strands that we call "Codons," to activate, empower, and even read the Light Code for your clients. Your DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is an essential component of all living matter and it consists of a sugar base, phosphates, and unit is called a nucleotide.


閱讀這個我們稱之為DNA的光編碼,是每一個人都可以學習去做的事。 伴以適當的訓練及激活的知識,還有閱讀的技術,你們將能夠去打開DNA鏈,打開我們所說的「密碼子 」,去活化,賦予力量,甚至是為你們的客戶讀取這個光的編碼。 你們的DNA(脫氧核糖核酸)是所有活著的萬物不可或缺的組成部分,而它包含了一個糖基,磷酸鹽,結合為一個稱為核苷酸的單元。

The DNA Light Coding includes Spirit DNA, Soul DNA, and Physical DNA. This code is accessible in specific locations of the etheric energy body just outside the physical body. All 3 levels of the DNA can be activated by light as it is channeled 

through a specially made Adam Kadmon or Etheric Wand. This light flows into the codons and then outward to activate the body, soul, and the spirit. Over time the 12 Physical DNA strands will activate and so will the Spirit strands. The result of this is Complete 24 Strand DNA activation.

DNA的光編碼包括了靈體的DNA,靈魂的DNA,及肉身的DNA。 編碼就在身體外圍的乙太能量體中的特定位置,這是可以被接觸的。 所有3個層級的DNA都可以藉由光而被激活,這會在它被透過一個被特別造出的原人亞當,或是乙太權杖來進行連結的時候發生。 這股光流入到密碼子裡,然後向外去活化身體,靈魂,還有靈體。  一段時間過去之後,身體上的12股DNA將活化,而靈體的DNA也是。 這個活化的結果是完成了24股DNA的活化。

Some believe that this activation has come to us from ancient Atlantean Technology; others claim ancient Mystery School Traditions. As the new millennium progresses and the dawn of an Age of Light begins, each of us is moving out of the limited human experience into a different level of being.

有些人相信這些激活的技術是從古代亞特蘭提斯的技術而來到我們這裡的;其他人則聲稱這是古代奧秘學校的傳統。 在這個新千年的進步過程中,這一個光之時代的黎明開始了,我們每一個人正在走出被限制的人類經驗,正在走進一種不同層次的生命。

Benefits of DNA Activation:


• Brings in and enables you to hold more light in your physical body

• 將光帶入你們的身體,使你們在自己的身體中能夠持守住更多的光

• Empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and 


• 賦予你們力量去把你們的潛能最大化,帶出尚未被實現的天份及能力

• Gives you more Energy and Clarity

• 給予了你們更多的能量及清晰度

• Strengthens your Immune System

• 強化你們的免疫系統

• Assists releasing of Unconscious patterns Increases your ability to use more of 

your brain

• 協助了正在釋放中的無意識模式,提升了你們的能力去使用更多的腦力

• Creates the greatest potential for the full connection and integration with your 

Higher Self

• 創造了對於最大潛能的全面連接,並整合了你們的高我

• Facilitates clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns

• 促進了正在清理中的家庭及業力遺傳的模式

In summary, your body has a consciousness of its own and it needs your cooperation as it moves through the many changes that lie ahead. This tool of empowerment will assist your body and your consciousness in integrating the light, as well as evolving into your full potential quickly and peacefully.

綜合上面所述,你們的身體有它自己的意識,在它向前通過擺在眼前的許多改變時,它將需要你們的合作。 這個增能賦權的工具將協助你們的身體,而且你們的意識處於正在整合的光中,以及正在快速地,及和平地進化成你們全面的潛能。

This activation is a tremendous gift that will assist you in your own healing process at deep levels. The genetic structure is activated, empowered, and at times altered.

這樣的活化是一份巨大的禮物,這將會在你們自身的療癒過程的深入層面中協助你們。 這個基因的結構是被活化的,被賦予力量的,並且有時是被改變了的。

Begin by offering your clients, friends, and family the gift of this Activation! The world is waiting for you to bring them the Light!

藉由正在為你們的客戶,朋友們,及家人提供這份活化的禮物來開始! 這個世界正在等待著你們去為他們帶來光!

A specially constructed Etheric Healing Wand is required to perform DNA activations and to participate in this program. The wand is made of Sage to cleanse the area as it is worked with and the crystals used have been charged for a year by Metatron and Marabiel. Wands are available for sale for $125.00 or two for $225.00 (many people like to have a “back up” wand). These handmade crystal wands are specifically created by an Initiate and Shaman for Etheric Healing and DNA Activation. This tool is critical to the success of the DNA Activation. No other tool is an adequate substitute.

一個特別被建構的乙太療癒權杖是被要求去執行DNA 激活的,並且是參與這項計畫的。 這樣的權杖在被製作的時候是藉由鼠尾草去淨化它的能量場及水晶,通常藉由大天使麥達昶(Metatron)及天使麥若碧埃爾(Marabiel)充能約一年的時間。 權杖是能夠以一隻$125.00美元,或是兩隻 $225.00 美元來銷售的。(許多人喜歡要有一隻「備用」的權杖)。 這些手工做的水晶權杖是由一位入門者與薩滿為了乙太療癒,及DNA 活化而特別製作的。 這些權杖對於DNA 激活的成功來說是至關重要的。 沒有其他工具能充分的替代它。

Antimony 銻




What is the Light Body

Light Body Teachings, Activations, Empowerment, and  Initiations are offered everywhere in the Spiritual Market today! What is behind this popular and powerful concept? As a Spiritual Teacher I am frequently asked questions about the Light Body.  

光體的教學、活化、增能賦權、和啟蒙,於現今的靈性市場四處被釋出! 這些受歡迎的,和強而有力的概念背後是什麼? 作為一個精神導師與24股DNA活化議定的作者,我經常被問到關於光體的問題。

 “Light body” is a term we use to describe the spiritual, non-physical body associated with enlightenment. In the various legends about the Body of Light, it is written that Light Body bestows unlimited Spiritual Power, it gives the abilities of the legendary Avatars, will allow one to teleport, bi-locate, manifest instantly, maintain total psychic awareness, communicate telepathically, to heal oneself and others, and defy the laws of physics!

「光體」一詞,是我們用來描述靈性體的開悟,而不是指與物質肉身相關的開悟。  有關光的身體種種的傳說中,寫的是光體授予了無限的靈性力量,它給予了在傳說中的化身能力,容許瞬間傳送,雙向定位,即刻顯化,維持完全的通靈覺知意識,心靈感應的溝通,來療癒自我和他人,並且違反了物理定律!

The Light Body is defined as a structured but vibrant energy field inside and around your physical body.  The Light Body normally develops as you evolve spiritually.  It manifests as your Higher Self or “Divine Self” overshadows and transforms your personality and ego into a creative, divine form of consciousness.  In this process, the physical body is transmuted into an immortal body.  In the legends of Light Body, this body is perfect in its beauty, is capable of superhuman abilities, and possesses Universal Intelligence. This is possible because as Spiritual evolution progresses, you naturally align and eventually merge with your Divine Self.  As a result of this alignment, four energetic stages occur:  The mental layer of the aura transforms resulting in “Wisdom”. The emotional layer of the aura transforms resulting in the experience of “Unconditional Love”.  The divisions that mark the layers of the aura (energy field) dissolve, and a “Unified Aura” manifests, from this a new Chakra System develops. The physical body transforms resulting in the “Immortal Body of Light” or Light Body.

光體被定義為在你的身體內和身體周圍一種有結構但振動的能量場。在你們靈性地進化時,通常光體也發展了。 它如同你們被遮蔽了的高我,或「神性自我」的體現,轉化了你們的個性和小我意識進而成為一股富有創意,神聖的意識形式。  在這個過程中,肉身被蛻變成不朽的身體。 在光體的傳說中,身體在這樣的美妙中是完美的,它具備超人般的能力,並具備了遍知的智識。 這是可能的,因為由於靈性進化的發展,你們自然而然和你們的神聖自我對齊,而且終究會合併。 隨著這個校準的結果,會出現四個高能的階段: 能量場中的精神層轉化的結果產生「智慧」。 能量場中的情緒層轉化的結果產生在「無條件的愛」中的體驗。  所有能量層(能量場域)中原有分隔的標記化解,而從這一個新脈輪系統發展來的,一個「被統合的能量場」顯化了。 這個物質肉身的轉化的結果就是「不朽的光體」或是光體。

In Buddhist and Christian religious teachings, those who have come close to manifesting the Light Body are called “Saints.”


History of knowledge of the Light Body

Many think of the term “Light Body” as a “New Age Phenomena,” however Spiritual Teachings about the Body of Light are ancient and Universal! It is a foundational teaching from many Metaphysical traditions and world religions. Each Spiritual tradition and culture has their own name for Light Body; each tradition have their own methods to activate and develop it.

許多人認為光體一詞是一種「新時代現象」,然而有關光體靈性的教導是源自古代,而且是普遍的! 這是許多形而上學的傳統和全世界的宗教的教導基礎。 每一個靈性傳承和文化都有它們各自對光體的稱呼,各自的傳統中都有自己去活化與開發光體的方法。.

The term “Light Body” or “Rainbow Body” is originally found in ancient Tibetan Buddhist teachings.  In the Tibetan language it is called Jalü or Jalus (Wylie 'ja' lus) and is defined as a body not made of flesh, but consists of pure light. The Rainbow Body is also mentioned in some Mahayana Sutras, for example, Mahayana Secret Sublime Sutra (大乘密嚴經, Taisho Tripitaka 0681, 0682) says: “They had therefore achieved the Wisdom Concentration, and acquired Mind-Created Bodies, which are adorned with mighty supernatural powers. Such bodies are free of any interspaces, bones, or substances; they are like the sun and the moon, like rainbows, electricity, finest gold, luminous pearls, Sphatikas, Pravadas, Hridaras, Campakas, Pavonine Flowers and Moons, and the images from mirrors.”

「光體」或「虹光身」一詞最早於古老西藏佛教傳統教義中被發現,在藏語中它被稱為虹光身(Jalü) or 光蘊身Jalus (Wylie 'ja' lus) ,其被定義為非血肉之軀的淨光構成。 大乘佛經中提到一些和虹光身相關的,例如,大正大藏經(大乘密嚴經, Taisho Tripitaka 0681, 0682)提到:「他們已經取得了智慧的精華,及獲得的是心智所創建的身體,因而飾以這些強大的超自然力量。 此等淨光的身體是沒有任何的空隙,骨頭,或物質的;有如太陽和月亮,彩虹,電,最上等的黃金一樣,發光的珍珠, 頗梨(水晶),珊瑚,利陀耶(堅實心),占博迦(金色花),五彩繽紛的花及月亮,還有鏡中影像。」

According to Wikipedia, here are a few of the different names Light Body is known by in the various spiritual traditions. “In Sufism and Vajrayana it is called “Wujud Al-Aqdas” (the Most Sacred Body) and “Jism Asli Haqiqi” (Supra-Celestial Body). In Taoism, the Light Body is called the “Diamond Body” and those who have attained it are called the “Immortals” or the “Cloud Walkers”. In Christianity it is called the “Resurrection Body” and the “Glorified Body,” and in Hermeticism it is called the “Immortal Body.” Kriya Yoga refers to it as the “The Body of Bliss.” Generically it is called the Spiritual Body.”

根據維基百科所說,這裡有少數幾個光體在各種靈性傳統中的不同名稱。在蘇菲教派與金剛勝中,它被稱為「三位一體的存在」(最為神聖的身體)與精微體(超天體)在道家,光體稱作「鑽石體」,而那些成就它的人們被稱為「神仙」或是「雲端上的行者們」。 在基督教的信仰中,它被稱作「復活之身」,與「榮光之身」,在赫密士神智學教派中,它被稱作「不朽之身。」 克里亞(淨化)瑜珈的是「極樂之身。」「一般來說,它被稱為屬靈的身體。」

“In Tantrism and yoga teachings, it is called "the Vajra Body," "the Adamantine Body," and "the Divine Body". In Vedanta writings it is called "the Super-Conductive Body." In Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism, it is called "the Radiant Body." In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it "the Glory of the Whole Universe" and "the Golden Body." The alchemist Paracelsus called it "the Astral Body." In the Hermetica, it is called “Soma Athanaton” which means the Immortal Body. In some mystery schools, it is called "the Solar Body." In Rosicrucianism, it is called "the Diamond Body of the Temple of God.". In ancient Egypt it was called "Akh” which means the luminous body or being. In Old Persia it was called Fravashi or Fravarti which translates as "the Indwelling Divine Potential". In the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, it is called "the Divine Body," composed of Supra-Mental Substance.”

在密宗(Tantrism)和瑜珈的教導中,它被稱為「金剛身」,「金剛石般堅固的身體」,和「神聖的身體。」在吠檀多(Vedanta)的著作上,它被稱作是「超導電的身體。」在諾斯底教派和新柏拉圖主義上,它被稱為「放射的身體。」在傳統鍊金術上,翡翠石板把它叫做「全宇宙的榮光」與「黃金般的身體」。煉 金術士帕拉塞爾蘇斯把它稱為「星光體」。在赫密士學說裡,它被稱為「Soma Athanaton」(譯註:希臘文Soma-身體, Athanaton-不朽的),意思就是神仙的身體。 在某些奧秘學校裡, 它被稱為「太陽能身體」。在玫瑰十字會,「神之聖殿的鑽石身體。」在古埃及 它被稱為「阿卡(Akh)」也就是放光的身體或生命。 在舊​​波斯它被稱為Fravashi或Fravarti,被譯為「居住於內在的神聖潛能」。 在師利奧羅賓多(Sri Aurobindo)的哲學中,它被稱作是超精神物質所組成的「神聖的身體」。

In Jewish Religious teachings as well as the Qabalah or Western Mystery Tradition, the Light Body is called Adam Kadmon, which means the Divine God Human. In this philosophy, Adam Kadmon represents "seven creational stages through which the Adam Kadmon Light Body or prototype brought energy down into the physical world and created the Adamic Race (Human beings). Retracing these seven steps, which is called ascension, will return the Adamic Race to Adam Kadmon, not as a prototype, but as a manifested reality." These ancient teachings state that Adam Kadmon was a two-fold manifestation: “1) A divine pattern which is a ‘Light Body' 2) A formulation of that sacred patterning into a being that was physical, but also beyond physical,” (the aura energy field).

在猶太人的宗教以及卡巴拉或西方的奧秘傳統裡,光體被稱為原人亞當,意思就是神聖的神人。 在這個哲理上,原人亞當代表了7個受造的階段,也就是透過原人亞當的光體或是原型,把能量下載到這個物理世界來,創造出亞當後裔(Adamic)的種族(人類眾生)。 正在回到的這7個受造階段,也就是所稱的超升(ascension),將會把亞當後裔的種族回返到原人亞當,不會只是一個原型,而會是一個被體現的事實。 這些古老的教誨指出,原人亞當是一個雙重的彰顯。「1)是一種神聖的格局,也就是一個光體,2)一種神聖格局進入肉身生命的公式,但同時卻又超越肉身」,(氣場的能量場域)。

In magical traditions, the Light Body is called the Subtle Body, and it is part of the energy systems. The various magical traditions teach a path of discipline to activate and free the Subtle Body, to carry one’s conscious and senses into the other worlds during Astral Travels.

在魔法傳統上,光體被稱為精微的身體,而它是能量系統的一部分。 各種的魔法傳統教導一門學科路徑,去活化與釋放這個精微的身體,透過星光體旅遊的期間,去把一個人的意識和感知帶入其它的世界。

The teachings of Alchemy call the Light Body “Alchemical Gold” or “Antimony,” and the entire process of alchemy has manifestation of the Light Body as its only objective! Alchemy has nothing to do with chemistry, but is the process of transformation and transmutation that results in an evolved being and the Body of Light!

煉金術的教導把光體稱作「煉金術的黃金」或銻(Antimony),而在整個煉金術的過程, 把彰顯光體作為它唯一的目標! 煉金術與化學無關,而是一個轉化的過程,而轉化導致了一個被進化的生命體,以及光的身體!

I’m sure there are many more names for Light Body than I have listed here! Whatever we call it, Light Body describes the same thing, an ULTIMATE stage in human evolution!

我相信還有更多關於光體的名稱是我沒有在這裡列出來的! 無論我們怎麼稱呼它,光體敘述了同一件事,也就是說,光體是人類在進化上的最終階段!

Activation Methods to Evolve Your Light Body

The traditions speak of the process of developing Light Body in different ways. Is the Immortal Body created or released, attained or manifested? Is it present within the individual from birth, and the gross matter of the body simply "burned" away as more light enters? Or is the gross matter of the body altered through a process not yet recognized by physical science, which changes the flesh into something different? Is there more than one route to achieve this final, perfected form of the Adam Kadmon? Is it necessary to actually die biologically, or is there an alternate path to the Light Body that bypasses physical death?

在傳統上,以不同的方式講述了正在開發中的光體過程。 是不朽的身體被創造了,或釋放出來了,取得了,或是被體現了?  它是從個體誕生的時候就已經存在裡面的,而身體的粗糙物質單純只是隨著越來越多的光進入而「燒掉」了嗎? 或者是,身體的粗糙物質藉由尚未在物理科學上被認知到的過程而被改變了,也就是說,因此而把肉身變成了不同的東西嗎? 是否有超過一條以上的路線能夠去實現這個究竟,因此而完善了原人亞當的型態? 生物體的死亡是否有實際上的必要呢? 或者是,是否有一條替代路徑能夠繞過身體上的死亡來到達光體?

Spiritual Mystery Schools offer the Adam Kadmon 24 Strand DNA Activation Technology to Activate the Light Body! 


三重光公司(Triolite, Inc.)及美國第7奧秘學校保留所有版權。同時也受台灣版權法律保護。未經書面許可,禁止拷貝或複製。 

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  • 風水 by Mina (阿法氣居家環境風水及身體風水)


  • 光的課程:  行星八新竹班 (每周六晚上7:30) 


  • 提供 24 股DNA活化: (即將提供免費個案10名)


  • Antimony(1組兩瓶):1500台幣 





  • 切除索


  • 星種療癒


  • 統合喚醒脈輪:








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Alpha chi風水顧問的工作可以包括:


-Alpha chi風水











































   1.在工作範圍內辨識出龍脈: 龍脈是地球的能量經絡,過程中會照出龍脈經過的地方

    ,療癒阻塞之處,以  及轉化黑暗能量。





       3.七道宇宙光束(天使光束): 七道宇宙光束是神性的高層放射場,





     應以純淨之心,不帶特定動機, 也不能以小我利益所濫用。



















請參閱『ALPHA CHI 風水九大封印』一書

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Dear Ones, enabling others in behaviours that do not honour them, or others, is participating in keeping someone stuck. We are not trying to say you are responsible for another』s growth or behaviour. What we are saying is that having healthy boundaries is loving both for you, and for everyone else. When you allow someone else』s poor behaviour to control how things unfold, you are guaranteed to have a chaotic result because it is giving the person who is least qualified to lead all the power. Do you see? As more and more people insist upon being treated with the love and honour they deserve, the people who are stuck in old behaviours will need to find new ways of being. It is a system that supports everyone to grow and thrive in ways that honour each individual, as well as the whole.

Archangel Gabriel



翻譯:Nick Chan

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Planetary Meditation Update

The time for the Planetary Meditation has been set to 3 pm GMT every Sunday.Currently this equals 11 pm in Taiwan, 6 pm in Cairo, 5 pm in Central Europe, 4 pm in UK, 11 am in New York, 10 am in Houston , 9 am in Denver and 8 am in Los Angeles. You can check the time for your location here:


It is very important for everyone to meditate at the same moment in time, doing your own meditation as you feel guided. If we wish to create more positive resonance on the physical plane of this planet, we need to meditate in the same moment of linear time that the physical plane is subjected to. The critical mass for this meditation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass. If we manage to get the critical mass of people meditating each week, we can create long lasting positive changes for the whole human society.

Therefore it would be good that as many groups as possible join this initiative. You can invite Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock, Ram Dass, Oprah, Eckart Tolle, Children of the Sun, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden...All those people have a large following of people who meditate.

We can do it! It still needs to go viral! We need to reach millions of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world.
我們能夠做到! 冥想活動還需要大家廣為宣傳! 我們要把活動訊息傳給數百萬人,好讓實際參與冥想的人數可以達成臨界質量。請大家將訊息貼在自己的網站和部落格。如果大家知道其他獨立媒體和媒體平台,也請將活動訊息轉貼給他們。大家還可以成立臉書社團,邀請更多人一起冥想。

A Youtube video has been created in different languages.







Videos in other languageswill be posted as soon as they are created.

PS Weekly Liberation Meditation is a different project not to be confused with the Planetary Meditation and is a very specific meditation to assist the process of planetary liberation. It is set each Sunday at 7 pm GMT. You can find more information about that meditation here:


翻譯: Patrick Shih



世界解放運動 (每週解放冥想)


世界解放運動 (每週解放冥想)/WORLD LIBERATION MOVEMENT (Chinese version)

每週解放冥想階段二 (Weekly Liberation Meditations Phase 2 - Chinese version)

行星解放就是現在!/ Planetary Liberation NOW! (Chinese - simplified)

銀河法典/Galactic Codex (Chinese)


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Mina的靈修筆記-期待中的世界 2014/8/8






















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Mina的靈修筆記-隨想 20140807  







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 Mina的靈修筆記-夢醒時分 20140807












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Mina的靈修筆記-聖愛 20140724















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